URBANFRAME uses cooperative design dialogue and hands-on building as a dynamic framework for design research, youth development, and service. Each year, teams of participating youth took on pressing urban challenges and collaborated to develop experimental solutions relevant to the needs of specific communities. What follows is a record of this work and its findings.
The Urbaneframe Model
Urbanframe invites youth from the US and abroad to transform how the rest of us think about cities. Under the guidance of an architecture professor and a team of graduate teaching fellows, young people work in a local community to design and build full-scale structures and spaces with no prior experience in architecture or construction. With energy and insight, these ideas result in amazing solutions to real-world challenges.
Each year, we choose a topic of significant global importance. Previous projects have explored truth, dwindling public space, food access, mobility, urban agriculture, invisible infrastructure, vacant space, street performance, and social media.
No previous experience is required!
© 2009-2024 Urbanframe / OCULAR